Showing 5 of 3166 Results

  • 5.0
    Law Enforcement

    Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office

    Mar 8, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.


Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

There were none.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.


What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

Incident management.

  • 4.2
    Law Enforcement

    Windsor Police Department

    Mar 8, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

Learning the presentation information.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

The practical part seemed for of a game then actually learning environment. Also provided a false sense of security.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

I found it would be hard to execute the skills learned from this class in the county/town I work in due to lack of resources.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

The baseline knowledge.

  • 4.7
    Law Enforcement

    Hampton Police Department

    Mar 8, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

Learning the roles that I would not normal do or be a part of.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

Although it was interesting, I do not believe that me being IC was needed. This would never be my role operating in my capacity.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

Overall great training, I have taken both ALLERT and FLETC active shooter instructor courses. This will allow me to create better senerios for both the Academy and Command Staff.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

ICS and NIMS is a need to know and I have learned that although I do not want to do it, I will need to take more of this training.

  • 4.8
    Law Enforcement

    York-Poquoson Sheriff's Office

    Mar 8, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

The emphasis on the importance of staging, reunification.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

Some of the "hands on computer time" was challenging for older folks not used to "first person shooter games".

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

Explore the often overlooked or ignored signs or events that precede an active shooter; akin to "pre-assault indicators".

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

Additional IM training with my own department, schools, businesses, etc.

  • 4.3
    Law Enforcement

    Navajo Police Department

    Feb 16, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

The practical exercises.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

I think all parts of the course was helpful.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

This training is by far the most hands on, virtual exercises I have taken.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?


*Unedited comments (including typos and spelling) written by students in their course evaluation


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