Showing 5 of 3166 Results

  • 4.6
    Law Enforcement

    Meridian Police Department

    Mar 22, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

Learning all the different rolls.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

Lots of similar scenarios.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

Probably could make another day of it. Add a day. go into more details of the critical incidents instructors have been involved in.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

Not sure.

  • 5.0
    Law Enforcement

    Middleton Police Department

    Mar 22, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

The mix of instructional time with hands one activities followed by a debrief.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

Coming from a small agency and having several resources is not practical for my agency but still good information to base my response to.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

Outstanding course. Instructors were well prepared and presented the material well. All instructors were approachable and knowledgeable.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

Continued education and practice materials and scenarios.

  • 4.9
    Law Enforcement

    Canyon County Sheriff's Office

    Mar 22, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

Being placed in leadership positions, forcing me to apply what was being taught.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

I felt it was all valuable.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

I feel like this could be a 4 day course with some more indepth time spent on some of the concepts in the different module before applying them in a scenario environment. Overall this was one of the most valuable trainings I have been to in my career.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

Further training in developing and improving the skills taught in this class.

  • 5.0
    Law Enforcement

    Ada County Sheriff's Office

    Mar 22, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

The overall scenarios...while not perfect, the concept is AMAZING and I would encourage more time. I think this could even be a week long. Really enjoyed the course and learned a lot. A lot to think about.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

It's hard to get everyone through certain positions with so many people. Only critique is the inability to get into each and every position, which I understand is a logistical issue. Doesn't take anything away from the training, but it is just something to point out.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

More PCs would probably be helpful in the sense of getting more people within the scenarios/simulations. Not always needed, for each scenario, but another set or two of 4 PCs might be helpful. Outside of that, probably more time.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

I'd actually like to see more of this type of training. This is the first ICS course that I truly believe was worth the time spent here. Don't mean to be "that guy" but the regular ICS classes aren't generally very engaging and I never remembered much from them. This is by far the best ICS class I've been in.

  • 4.9
    Law Enforcement

    Nampa Police Department

    Mar 22, 2022
  • Self assessment of skill Before and After Course
  1. The course content supported the learning objectives.
  2. The course materials and learning aids effectively conveyed the course content.
  3. The time allocated to accomplish the course objectives was appropriate. (If too long or too short, please explain in other comments or suggestions write-in.)
  4. The course contained useful activities to practice and reinforce the learning objectives.
  5. The instructors were prepared for the class.
  6. The instructors demonstrated thorough knowledge of the course content.
  7. The instructors were able to answer questions clearly and understandably.
  8. The instructors conducted the training in a skilled and competent manner.
  9. The instructors encouraged student participation.
  10. The instructors fostered a positive and stimulating learning environment.
  11. The instructors used instructional time effectively.
  12. The instructors covered all the course learning objectives.
  13. The course provided the knowledge and skills I need to accomplish the job for which I am receiving this training.
  14. Based on the training received, I am fully capable of applying the skills I learned from this course.
  15. The practical exercises enhanced learning of course content. (Respond only if course included practical exercises.)
  16. The course content was appropriate for someone within my professional field.
  17. The course content was appropriate for someone with my level of experience.
  18. Overall, the course content met my needs and expectations.
  19. Overall, the instructors' performance met my needs and expectations.
  20. Overall, the course increased my knowledge, skills and abilities.
  21. I would recommend this course to my peers.

Which part(s) of the course was MOST valuable to you. Please explain why.

Both the lecture and practical exercises. Good combination and build up.

Which part(s) of the course was LEAST valuable to you? Please explain why.

Practical exercises had some significant down time. Not sure how to fix it. Thats kind of the way it is with various assignments, depending on the assignment. The supervisor roles were most beneficial.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions you have for improving this course.

Good question! Having done several scenario trainings it is difficult to keep everyone engaged all the time. All jobs are important but some based on scenario won't be as active.

What other training is most important to you now that you have completed this course?

Agency specific evaluations. Ideally, it would be great to have a couple instructors come and evaluate scenarios we do in our specific agency and provide some constructive feedback for our joint practical exercises.

*Unedited comments (including typos and spelling) written by students in their course evaluation


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